速報APP / 生產應用 / SpamHound SMS Spam Filter

SpamHound SMS Spam Filter



檔案大小:32.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:俄文, 德語, 法文, 英語, 西班牙文

SpamHound SMS Spam Filter(圖1)-速報App

Every day spam content wastes our precious time, so everyone needs a stable text message blocker app that can filter spam in a blink. Protect yourself from spammers with a free app to block SMS and MMS from unwanted phone numbers or with unwanted content - SpamHound spam filter!

SpamHound is an essential anti-spam tool for people whose activities are related to instant messaging and calls. It is a reliable free app to block text messages and shield yourself from annoying marketing mailings, spam, advertising, and strangers.

Blocking texts has become easier! Configure your filters and manage Blacklists and Whitelists manually with SMS blocker for free. Create rules and clear your message list from undesired content quickly and in an intuitive interface. Also, you can apply automatic rules to protect yourself from messages containing links or coming from any short numbers.

Download SpamHound to block spam, and unwanted messages will not bother you anymore. Make sure you are totally preserved from spam under the shelter of reliable spam blocker!

Primary functions:

- Create unlimited quantity of spam blocking filters

SpamHound SMS Spam Filter(圖2)-速報App

- Fine-tune filters using flexible rules

- Filter SMS and MMS using Blacklist

- Filter messages from short numbers (you can whitelist any useful ones if needed)

- Stop spam messages containing links

- Use Whitelist to prevent blocking

- No internet connection needed

SpamHound SMS Spam Filter(圖3)-速報App

Blacklist and Whitelist

You can create, edit and delete filtering in Blacklist and Whitelist tabs.

All unwanted messages that fly under the Blacklist rules will be stored in a separate Junk SMS tab. Whitelist messages, in their turn, will be displayed in a native Messenger app.

Filtering rules

You can literally create any rule to filter as much spam as possible - from easiest “contains’ conditions and up to regular expressions and wildcard syntax magic. You can also use predefined rules to stop spam texts from short numbers and SMS containing links. Look for tips on creating Blacklist and Whitelist rules in the FAQ section.


SpamHound SMS Spam Filter(圖4)-速報App

To ensure your privacy and safety, SpamHound SMS blocker does not require access to the content of your messages.


Link the app to one of your social accounts to backup the rules and use them on other devices to block text messages.

SpamHound SMS Spam Filter(圖5)-速報App
